Letter in Support of H.RES.554

Letter in support of h.res.554

The IRF Community and Congressional Working Group circulated a letter in support of House Resolution 554, introduced by Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin. This resolution affirms U.S. support for the religious and ethnic minority survivors of genocide in Iraq, particularly those targeted by ISIS. Despite the U.S. efforts to assist these communities and promote their rights under the Iraqi Constitution, many remain displaced and vulnerable. House Resolution 554 addresses their ongoing challenges and emphasizes the importance of U.S. commitment to their stability and recovery as Iraq transitions in its relationship with the United States. We urge congressional leadership to advance this resolution for a full House vote.

Informative Sources:


Letter Against the Extradition of Y Quynh Bdap


Letter Against the Proposed National Religious & Faith Organizations (RFOs) Policy, 2023