Upcoming events

Ensuring Peace and Justice: Ending Extrajudicial Killings from AntI-Apostasy and Blasphemy Laws

Ensuring Peace and Justice: Ending Extrajudicial Killings from AntI-Apostasy and Blasphemy Laws

This event aims to gather together advocates, activists and first hand witnesses to extrajudicial violence as a result of apostasy and blasphemy charges. We hope this event will help bring attention to these egregious violations of human rights and urge states to be proactive in preventing future extrajudicial killings driven by intolerance against individuals for exercising their freedom of conscience, religion and belief.

The side-event will recommend concrete actions states can take today to prevent and protect individuals at risk of unlawful killings based on anti-apostasy and anti-blasphemy laws and how UN member states can help combat the culture of impunity surrounding these unlawful killings. It builds on the goal of the global coalition of over 90 individuals and organisations of diverse beliefs and backgrounds calling for the repeal of the death penalty for apostasy and blasphemy.


  • To elevate awareness around the challenges in holding perpetrators of unlawful killings for alleged religious offence and expression accountable in environments which condone the death penalty for apostasy and blasphemy; and provide recommendations from experts and survivors on how to tackle them.

  • To inspire and equip policymakers to implement the Minnesota Protocol in investigating unlawful killings of individuals accused of apostasy or blasphemy

  • To raise awareness about the chilling effect that impunity for unlawful killings has on the right to freedom of expression.

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Dubai Forum
to Nov 16

Dubai Forum

  • Radisson Blu Hotel, Dubai Waterfront (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

You are invited to participate in a women’s empowerment and inter-faith leadership forum in Dubai, November 15-16, 2024. Similar to the Abraham Accords, we desire to promote inclusion, human dignity and public awareness about the benefits of inter-religious harmony in the workplace. Government, business, academic, media, NGO and faith leaders are invited.


  • Build trust and relationships

  • Explore challenges and opportunities

  • Share practical tools & resource

  • Identify inter-faith & gender equality champions

  • Foster religious harmony in the MENA region

Includes a visit to the Abraham Family House.


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Women Leading Change: Threads of Hope

Women Leading Change: Threads of Hope

Join us at the inaugural Global Summit hosted by the Center for Women, Faith & Leadership (CWFL) to amplify the voices of those most impacted by the world’s toughest challenges. From pursuing justice to fostering peace across religious divides, the work of CWFL has been a beacon of hope, empowering women to lead in the face of adversity.  Speakers include:

  • Nadine Maenza - IRF Secretariat President & Board Chair of the Institute for Global Engagement (IGE)

  • Fatimah Popal - Co-founder and Managing Director of MakeSpace

  • Nikki Roberts - trainer and international bridge builder for multi-faith engagement

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IRF Summit 2025
to Feb 5

IRF Summit 2025


The IRF Summit brings together a broad coalition of partners that passionately supports religious freedom around the globe for an annual two-day in-person event in Washington, D.C. These 90+ organizations represent over 30 distinct faith traditions and are the core of the civil society movement to advance international religious freedom around the globe.

Over the past three years, our Summit partners have built a diverse coalition that is working to advance freedom of religion, conscience, and belief around the world. But even as the movement for international religious freedom grows, we are witnessing increased levels of religious restriction and persecution around the world. Raising our voices in solidarity with those who suffer due to their beliefs is more important than ever.

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Conversation Between ADF International and Algerian Pastor Youssef Ourahmane

Conversation Between ADF International and Algerian Pastor Youssef Ourahmane

  • ADF International’s offices in Washington, D.C. (full address provided upon registration) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Please join us for a special conversation between ADF International and Algerian Pastor Youssef Ourahmane. In 2023, Pastor Youssef was convicted and sentenced to 2 years imprisonment for his role as a church leader in Tizi Ouzou. He is currently appealing his case to the Supreme Court of Algeria with support from ADF International.

Pastor Youssef is one of the leading figures in the Èglise Protestante d’Algérie (EPA), the Evangelical Protestant group whose 43 churches have been forcibly closed by the Authorities since 2019, leaving only one with its church open today. Over the past five years, security police in Algeria have received orders from the Ministry of Interior to systematically shutter the EPA churches under the pretext of alleged building code violations.

Pastor Youssef is one of over 50 Christians to have been prosecuted since 2019 for vaguely defined offenses such as “shaking the faith” of Muslims and illegal worship. The prosecutions are thought to be motivated by the government’s concern over the large numbers of local Christian converts in the country. We are honored that Pastor Youssef will be speaking in-depth about his ordeal at this event and sharing his personal experience as a church leader in one of the most difficult countries in the world for Christians.

Light refreshments will be provided. Please register no later than October 11th. Registration is required to attend the event. Spots are limited.

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CIvil Society Program: Live From Berlin
to Oct 9

CIvil Society Program: Live From Berlin

You’re invited to join us in Berlin, Germany for a special 2-day conference, convening civil society and government to dig into how freedom of religion or belief (FoRB) can help prevent the misuse of religion, and build social cohesion and resilience.

  • October 8 - Academic Session & Hybrid IRF Roundtable

  • October 9 - Day-long Civil Society Program

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Emergency Uganda Briefing

Emergency Uganda Briefing

The Africa Working Group invites you to an important virtual briefing where we will be discussing the proposed National Religious and Faith Organizations (RFOs) Policy 2023 in Uganda and the potential impact on religious freedom and constitutional rights. The webinar will provide an overview of the concerns raised by the IRF Community and Africa Working Group and discuss the letter that was circulated to the President of Uganda. It’s a vital opportunity to engage in the discussion and explore ways we can collectively influence this policy.

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Faith & Freedom Summit IV
to Sep 25

Faith & Freedom Summit IV

The Faith & Freedom Summit is an initiative that gathers high-level thought-leaders to highlight the importance of freedom of religion or belief, to assess areas that need to be improved as regards of its protection worldwide, and to develop a force of proposal to outline policies toward a greater respect of religious diversity.



CONTACTO:  info[a]faithandfreedomsummit.com 

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IDC Capitol Hill Advocacy Day & 10th Anniversary Celebration
to Sep 19

IDC Capitol Hill Advocacy Day & 10th Anniversary Celebration

With great excitement, IDC invites you to join us for a two-day event in Washington, DC on September 18-19, 2024!

This year, IDC's annual Capitol Hill Advocacy Day coincides with IDC's 10th anniversary!  To mark this important milestone, IDC invites you to join us at the 2024 Capitol Hill Advocacy Day and the 10th Anniversary Celebration and Reception.

  • September 18: IDC's 2024 Capitol Hill Advocacy Day.  Participating advocates will have the opportunity to attend congressional meetings, and serve as a voice for persecuted Christians on Capitol Hill.  An advocacy training session and mission briefing will take place in the morning, prior to congressional meetings.

  • September 19: IDC’s 10th Anniversary Celebration & Reception.  IDC leadership, staff and network of friends will gather to commemorate a decade of advocacy for persecuted Christians.

This two-day event promises to be a memorable opportunity for advocacy, fellowship, and reflection.

More information (including a detailed itinerary) will be made available in the coming weeks.  

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Hybrid IRF Roundtable with U.S. Government (On Capitol Hill)

Hybrid IRF Roundtable with U.S. Government (On Capitol Hill)

You are invited to join us for the next Hybrid IRF Roundtable with U.S. Government on Tuesday, September 17 from 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM on Capitol Hill.  Special guest speakers will be announced in the coming weeks!

Thinking about submitting an agenda item? 

We encourage all roundtable participants to consider submitting an agenda item. Your voice and contribution is valuable. Agenda items to consider:

  1. REPORT on conditions of religious persecution globally

  2. SHARE IRF-related resources (reports, case studies, programs)

  3. INVITE multi-faith action (multi-faith letter, upcoming event, working groups)


Due to time limitations, we will not be able to accommodate all requests. We apologize in advance for this, but will confirm agenda items by September 12.

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Faith & Forced Displacement Congressional Reception

Faith & Forced Displacement Congressional Reception

INTRODUCTION (5:30-5:35 pm), Matthew Reynolds, UNHCR Representative

MEMBERS OF CONGRESS (5:35 pm – 5:45 pm)

  • Chairman Benjamin Cardin (D-MD)

  • Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT)

BRIEF REMARKS (5:45 pm – 6:05 pm)

  • Bill Canny, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)

  • Christine Tobias-Nahi, Islamic Relief USA

  • Rabbi Sarah Bassin, HIAS

  • Mark Smith, World Vision

CONCLUDING REMARKS (6:05 – 6:10 pm), Suzanne Ehlers, USA for UNHCR CEO/President

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The Abraham Women Alliance Zoom Panels are a call to action to support the lofty principles of equality, peacebuilding and empowerment in the daily fabric of our lives. Religious-based violence and anti-semitism have no place in our homes, families and societies.

Please join us for a candid conversation about the critical role that women play in the inter-faith and peacebuilding process among the Abrahamic faiths. Women in the Middle East must take the mantle of leadership for peacebuilding in the Middle East.


  • Build trust and relationships

  • Explore challenges and opportunities

  • Share practical tools & resource

  • Identify inter-faith & gender equality champions

  • Foster religious harmony in the MENA region

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Navigating Challenges and Opportunities for religious Freedom in Pakistan

Navigating Challenges and Opportunities for religious Freedom in Pakistan

Please join the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) for a virtual hearing on religious freedom conditions in Pakistan and policy options for the U.S. government.

In 2024, religious freedom conditions in Pakistan continue to decline. Religious minorities are frequently subjected to lengthy prison sentences or solitary confinement under the country’s draconian blasphemy law. Increasing instances of blasphemy accusations have contributed to waves of mob violence that disproportionately impact religious minority communities, resulting in lynchings and damaged places of worship. Members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community continue to face harassment and arbitrary arrest, and Hindu, Christian, and Sikh women and girls remain particularly vulnerable to kidnappings and forced conversion.

In its 2024 Annual Report, USCIRF recommended that the State Department again designate Pakistan as a Country of Particular Concern for its systematic, ongoing, and egregious religious freedom violations. Witnesses will discuss the Pakistani government’s legal framework, including blasphemy and anti-Ahmadiyya laws, and laws pertaining to forced conversion. They will also examine the U.S.-Pakistan bilateral relationship and discuss opportunities for U.S. engagement and current programming efforts to advance religious freedom.

Opening Remarks

  • Stephen Schneck, Chair, USCIRF

  • Eric Ueland, Vice Chair, USCIRF

  • Asif Mahmood, Commissioner, USCIRF

Panel I

  • Änjali Kaur, Deputy Assistant Administrator, Asia Bureau, USAID

Panel II

  • Peter Jacob, Director, Centre for Social Justice

  • Asif Aqeel, Founding Director, Center for Law & Justice

  • Amjad Mahmood Khan, Adjunct Professor, UCLA School of Law; National Secretary for Public Affairs, Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA

*Additional witnesses may be added 

This hearing is open to Members of Congress, congressional staff, the public, and the media. The video recording of the hearing will be posted on the Commission website. For any additional questions or to schedule an interview, please email media@uscirf.gov.

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Prisoners of Conscience: Violence and Detention & Violence in Detention

Prisoners of Conscience: Violence and Detention & Violence in Detention

The International Religious Freedom of Belief Alliance (IRFBA) invites you to a webinar marking the International Day Commemorating Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief. The IRFBA focuses on prisoners of conscience and the fate that they have been facing globally. Among the speakers are former prisoners of conscience and also family members of those still imprisoned. They are to shine the light on what it means to be a prisoner of conscience and how they could be helped. 

Speakers include: 

  • Amb. Robert Rehak - Special Envoy for Holocaust Issues, Interfaith Dialogue and Freedom of Religion or Belief (Czech Republic), IRFBA Chair 

  • Cezar Pavalascu - Director, State Secretariat for Religious Affairs (Romania), Chair of the IRFBA Working Group on Atrocity Prevention

  • Paweł Radomski - Foreign Minister's Special Envoy for Freedom of Religion (Poland)

  • Rushan Abbas - Uyghur advocate, sister of Dr. Gulshan Abbas, prisoner of conscience in China

  • Wade Kusack - Love Your Neighbor Community (LYNC), Founder and President 

  • Amelda Ismael Khudeeda - Yazda, Documentation Team 

  • Bianca Jagger - human rights defender working with former prisoners of conscience from Nicaragua 

  • Bani Dugan - Principal Representative, Bahá'í International Community's UN Office

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Abrahamic Panel

Abrahamic Panel

  • 2953 Pullman Street Santa Ana, CA, 92705 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hosted by Empower Women Media & Global Christian Relief

After the October 7 attacks, we must stand together and build a strategic, multi-faith network to support peace and the Abraham Accords. Please join us for a candid conversation between Arabs and Jews about their insights since the outbreak of the Hamas- Israel war. The event will include a special screening of the short film, Halfway, which won the Empower Women Media "Global Peace Award”.

Light appetizers & drinks will be served.

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Notre Dame Religious Liberty Summit
to Jul 11

Notre Dame Religious Liberty Summit

Depolarizing Religious Liberty

The fourth annual Notre Dame Religious Liberty Summit will bring together the world’s leading defenders of religious liberty for conversation between religious leaders, scholars, and advocates about the future of religious liberty. This year, the Summit’s theme is Depolarizing Religious Liberty.

Featured topics include:

  • Muslim and Jewish Voices Finding Common Ground After October 7th;

  • Women and Religious Liberty;

  • Book Talk, "Learning to Disagree" by John Inazu;

  • Book Talk, "Religious Liberty in a Polarized Age" by Thomas Berg;

  • Keynote with Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades, the 9th bishop of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend; 

  • The State of Ukrainian Religious Freedom: Then and Now; and

  • Black Church and Religious Freedom.

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Abrahamic Panel

Abrahamic Panel

More than ever we need to continue the work of the Abraham Accords. We must stand together against antisemitism and religious based violence. The panel workshop will highlight expert speakers and practical tools, promoting thriving multi-faith societies in the Middle East and worldwide.

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IRF Summit 2024
to Jan 31

IRF Summit 2024

The IRF Summit 2024 will bring together international religious freedom leaders, advocates from around the world, and a diverse coalition of civil society actors that passionately support religious freedom around the globe. Join IRF Summit Co-chairs Ambassador Samuel Brownback and Dr. Katrina Lantos Swett for this important two-day event at the Washington Hilton hotel. See list of Summit Speakers.

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Thanks for helping us keep our calendar updated with events that the IRF movement would benefit participating in!