Upcoming events

U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom Report Release Event
The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) invites you to join the release of its 2025 Annual Report.
The Commission will publicly share its 2025 recommendations, which include designations of Countries of Particular Concern, Entities of Particular Concern, and Special Watch List countries. The report also highlights important global developments and trends related to religious freedom during 2024, including in countries that do not meet the criteria of a Country of Particular Concern (CPC) or Special Watch List (SWL).
The 2025 Annual Report is mandated by the U.S. Congress to document systematic, ongoing, and egregious violations of religious freedom that have occurred in the past year. It highlights related policy and provides country-specific and overarching policy recommendations to the President, State Department, and Congress to deter religious persecution and promote freedom of religion and belief abroad.
Stephen Schneck, Chair, USCIRF
Meir Soloveichik, Vice Chair, USCIRF
Ariela Dubler, Commissioner, USCIRF
Mohamed Elsanousi, Commissioner, USCIRF
Maureen Ferguson, Commissioner, USCIRF
Susie Gelman, Commissioner, USCIRF
Vicky Hartzler, Commissioner, USCIRF
Asif Mahmood, Commissioner, USCIRF
Congressional Remarks
Various members invited
This event is open to Members of Congress, congressional staff, the public, and the media. The video recording will be posted on the Commission website. For any additional questions or interview requests, please contact media@uscirf.gov.
Please note, there is no virtual component to this event.

Standing with the Silenced – Leveraging the Frank R. Wolf Freedom of Religion or Belief Victims List
U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom
Standing with the Silenced – Leveraging the Frank Wolf Freedom of Religion or Belief Victims List
Save The Date
Thursday, February 6, 2025
1:30-3:00 pm ET
Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C.
Register Here
More details on this event will be available soon.
This event is open to Members of Congress, congressional staff, the public, and the media. For any additional questions or interview requests, please contact media@uscirf.gov.

Please join us at an IRF session hosted by Empower Women Media, the Abraham Women’s Alliance, the Leah Foundation and the International Committee on Nigeria (ICON).

IRF Summit 2025
The IRF Summit brings together a broad coalition of partners that passionately supports religious freedom around the globe for an annual two-day in-person event in Washington, D.C. These 90+ organizations represent over 30 distinct faith traditions and are the core of the civil society movement to advance international religious freedom around the globe.
Over the past three years, the Summit partners have built a diverse coalition that is working to advance freedom of religion, conscience, and belief around the world. But even as the movement for international religious freedom grows, we are witnessing increased levels of religious restriction and persecution around the world. Raising our voices in solidarity with those who suffer due to their beliefs is more important than ever.

Global Faith Forum 2025: Together for peace in a time of outrage
Hosted by Multifaith Neighbors Network (MFNN)
Outrage is consuming our society, with anger and hostility permeating every facet of life. Recent studies report that political polarization in the US has reached a record high, resulting in cancel culture and a breakdown of empathy. Kindness and accountability have been abandoned in favor of political expediency, putting the very foundations of our democracy at risk. We must take action to reverse this trend, engaging in civil discourse and embracing diverse perspectives, before it’s too late. Our future depends on it.
At the Global Faith Forum, we will tackle the topics of civility, citizenship, and how to be a good neighbor from a variety of religious perspectives. Together, we will learn how EveryONE, individually and as a whole, can work on building peace in a time of outrage.
The Global Faith Forum is strategically being hosted ahead of the IRF Summit and the National Prayer Breakfast, creating a unique opportunity for multi-faith leaders to engage in dialogue and collaboration. This alignment fosters continuity between these significant events, amplifying the impact of faith-driven conversations on global religious freedom and human dignity.
The IRF Summit 2025 will bring together international religious freedom leaders, advocates from around the world, and a diverse coalition of civil society actors that passionately support religious freedom around the globe.

IRF Roundtable with U.S. Government on Capitol Hill
Special IRF Roundtable with U.S. Government (Hybrid)
Date: Monday, February 3, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM EST
Attendance: In-person or Virtual (Zoom)
Location: Cannon House Office Building
The IRF Roundtable has always been a safe space where survivors of persecution and representatives of all faiths and none can pull together and stand up for each other's freedom of thought, conscience, and religion on the basis of mutual respect, trust, and reliance. Everyone shall follow the Golden Rule and respect the right of each individual participant to speak at the Roundtable, design and launch advocacy initiatives, and self-select into multi-faith coalitions of the willing. Participants may not start arguments, speak ill of, or in any way target or attack any individual participant or group at the Roundtable. To help foster an open and honest environment, we ask that if there is a current issue regarding religious freedom that you would like to discuss, to clearly and briefly summarize the issue and your concern (1-2 sentences) and propose an action item to help solve the issue in collaboration with others.
Reminder 1: Everyone shall follow the Chatham House Rule. Any information disclosed during the meeting may be reported by those present, but the source of that information may not be explicitly or implicitly identified. NO video or audio taping is allowed.
Reminder 2: The IRF Roundtable has always been a safe space where survivors of persecution and representatives of all faiths and none can pull together and stand up for each other's freedom of thought, conscience, and religion on the basis of mutual respect, trust, and reliance. Everyone shall follow the Golden Rule and respect the right of each individual participant to speak at the Roundtable, design and launch advocacy initiatives, and self-select into multi-faith coalitions of the willing. Participants may not start arguments, speak ill of, or in any way target or attack any individual participant or group at the Roundtable.
Reminder 3: This is a civil society-led and run Roundtable. Since one of our purposes is to bring civil society and governments together for information sharing and coordination, we always invite government officials to our meetings and welcome their updates and participation. We need civil society and governments working together to solve these problems. But government participation in these meetings does NOT mean they endorse the multi-faith presentations at the meetings and/or the multi-faith initiatives that are launched by civil society participants.

Persecution & Peace: Why Global Religious Freedom Matters for ALL
Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (adopted by the global community in 1948) states: Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
Current global affairs, and historical observation, demonstrate what happens when this basic human right is transgressed. People suffer, and societies decline. When this right is affirmed, societies flourish and economies grow.
The purpose of this symposium, oriented to faith-full lay people, is to provide helpful information about what religious freedom means – both intellectually and ethically. We will learn about places where persecution is occurring. In a few cases, we will hear directly from those who have experienced this oppression. We will discuss the successful efforts to help governments and societies change course.
Finally, we will discover how to take this knowledge and participate in efforts to enact greater freedom for our neighbors. The concept of neighbor isn’t geographic – it’s moral. And we all have a role to play.
Featured Sessions
A Christian Defense of Religious Freedom for All
Explore the biblical and theological foundations for religious freedom, emphasizing why it should be a priority for Christians.
Global Challenges to Religious Freedom
Explore some of the key trends in and main drivers behind religious persecution. We will also examine some global hotspots.
Panel Discussion: Victims/Survivors of Religious Persecution
Hear testimonials from people from various religious communities who have directly experienced religious persecution/oppression.
Ending Persecution
Explore the role of the American church in helping to end persecution.
Call to Action: “Defending Freedom Through Faith”
Discover how to take what has been learned and put it into action. Commit to advocating for religious freedom, with practical steps for individuals, churches, and communities.
Small groups will brainstorm ideas on how to raise awareness, engage local leaders, and mobilize their church to defend religious liberty.

Briefing on Syria: The Path Forward
Join the American Muslim & Multifaith Women’s Empowerment Council for a special virtual briefing on Syria with IRF Secretariat President Nadine Maenza. From her experience advocating for interfaith initiatives in the region, she will share insights about religious minorities in the region & what might present good options for a path forward.

The Increased Persecution of Women in Iran
Women face unique challenges simply because of their gender. The double marginalization they experience must be brought into conversations and uniquely addressed. Women in Iran, especially Baha'i women, have faced severe persecution for decades. This persecution has taken many forms, including unjust, arbitrary imprisonment, torture, death, social isolation, denial of higher education, and even desecration of burial sites and the bodies of the deceased. Over the last year, the Iranian government has systematically targeted women in response to the Women, Life, Freedom movement and, at the same time, noticeably targeted and increased the persecution of Baha'i women, often using discriminatory laws and policies to justify their actions.
Until a couple of years ago, Baha'i men had been targeted more than Baha'i women. However, a little over two years ago, a significant shift became noticeable. One indicator of this shift was that about two-thirds of Baha’i prisoners were women. At first, this seemed like an anomaly, but the persistence of this percentage over two years strongly suggests that there exists a deliberate government policy to target Baha'i women. An informal survey of those targeted reveals that these women are usually ones playing a role in Baha'i community-building activities such as children's classes and junior youth groups. Hence, these women are not just victims, but also leaders and educators, making their persecution even more tragic.
Despite the challenges they face, women, including Baha'i women in Iran, continue to engage in resilient ways to uphold their fundamental human right to religious belief and freedom. They are a powerful force for change, and their stories are a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.
Hilary Miller- Policy Analyst at USCIRF covering Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the Houthis in Yemen
Lou Ann Sabatier- Co-founded of FoRB Women's Alliance
Marjan Keypour (Greenblatt) - Founder and Director of the Alliance for Rights of All Minorities (ARAM)
Moderator: Tschika McBean Okosi - Human Rights Officer at the US Baha’i Office of Public Affairs

Religious Institutions and Peacebuilding in Ethiopia
Join the Wilson Center on December 4 from 1:00 to 2:30 PM as we host an event on the intersection between religious institutions and peacebuilding in Ethiopia.
Religion continues to play a large role in public and private spheres in Africa despite global trends towards secularization. While religion's role in conflict is usually approached in paradox – both as an instrument of violence and peace – there has been increased attention in recent years towards the role of religious institutions in peacebuilding.
With the prevalence of various conflicts in Ethiopia, including the two-year war in the Tigray region and the ongoing armed conflict in the Amhara and Oromia regions, the path towards peace remains difficult. In this context, there is a possibility for religious institutions to play an important peacebuilding role.
This event will deliberate on the local contexts and agency for peacebuilding in Ethiopia. Based on case studies from first-hand research in Northern Ethiopia, it will critically examine the role of religious institutions in peacebuilding. It also navigates the different ways that religious institutions can contribute to peacebuilding and the lessons to be taken for peacebuilding policy not just in Ethiopia, but in Africa generally.
Yirga Abebe Damtie: Southern Voices Network for Peacebuilding Scholar; PhD Candidate, Institute for Peace and Security Studies, Addis Ababa University
Terrence Lyons: Professor, Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution George Mason University

2024 Global Youth Summit for Freedom of Religion or Belief
Your Ideas Are The Agenda
Across the globe, religiously-motivated conflicts devastate nations and divide families. But there’s hope. Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB) offers a pathway to peace. By uniting young FoRB advocates across borders, beliefs, and backgrounds, this summit doesn’t just talk about tolerance—it models the very world we seek to create.
In our participant-led Open Space format, you’re not just another attendee—you’re a co-creator. So apply today for your chance to connect, collaborate, and catalyze change alongside a select group of visionary peacemakers.
Pacific (10a-4pm in Sydney)
Asia (10:30a-4:30 in New Delhi)
Middle East/North Africa (10a-4p in Beirut)
Africa/Europe (10a-4p CET)
SPANISH Latin America (11a-5p in Bogota)
US/Canada (12-6p in DC)

Women Leading Change: Threads of Hope
Join us at the inaugural Global Summit hosted by the Center for Women, Faith & Leadership (CWFL) to amplify the voices of those most impacted by the world’s toughest challenges. From pursuing justice to fostering peace across religious divides, the work of CWFL has been a beacon of hope, empowering women to lead in the face of adversity. Speakers include:
Nadine Maenza - IRF Secretariat President & Board Chair of the Institute for Global Engagement (IGE)
Fatimah Popal - Co-founder and Managing Director of MakeSpace
Nikki Roberts - trainer and international bridge builder for multi-faith engagement

Addressing Entities of Particular Concern: Non-State Actors and Egregious Violations of Religious Freedom
Please join the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) for a virtual hearing on the unique challenges that Entities of Particular Concern (EPCs) pose to international religious freedom (IRF) and suggested policies for the U.S. government to implement.
EPCs have been a key element of U.S. IRF policy since the passage of the Frank R. Wolf International Religious Freedom Act of 2016, which added the EPC category to the U.S. Department of State’s available IRF designations. This updated designation category recognizes the persistent and global role of non-state actors in committing religious freedom violations, particularly through violence. However, IRF-focused discourse and policy initiatives often overlook EPCs in favor of addressing a foreign government’s violations of freedom of religion or belief.
With these factors in mind, witnesses will discuss some of the ways that non-state actors—including those currently designated as EPCs—carry out violence and other actions that violate the right to religious freedom. They will also discuss policy options for the U.S. government to address, anticipate, and impede the capacity of current and future EPCs.
Opening Remarks
Stephen Schneck, Chair, USCIRF
Eric Ueland, Vice Chair, USCIRF
Mohamed Elsanousi, Commissioner, USCIRF
Aaron Zelin, Washington Institute for Near East Policy
Ebenezer Obadare, Council on Foreign Relations

Dubai Forum
The Abraham Women’s Alliance and Empower Women Media invite you to participate in a women’s empowerment and inter-faith leadership forum in Dubai from November 15-16, 2024. Similar to the Abraham Accords, we desire to promote inclusion, human dignity and public awareness about the benefits of inter-religious harmony in the workplace. Government, business, academic, media, NGO and faith leaders are invited.
Build trust and relationships
Explore challenges and opportunities
Share practical tools & resource
Identify inter-faith & gender equality champions
Foster religious harmony in the MENA region
Includes a visit to the Abrahamic Family House.

2024 Defender of Religious Freedom Award Ceremony
The Religious Freedom Institute will hold its 2024 Defender of Religious Freedom Award Ceremony on Wednesday, November 13th at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C. The attire is cocktail.
6:00 PM - Reception
7:15 PM - Dinner

Greenwashing and Religious Cleansing of Nagorno-Karabakh
Save Armenia: A Judeo-Christian Alliance is organizing a compelling webinar to expose Azerbaijan’s use of greenwashing to obscure its ethnic and religious cleansing of Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh. The webinar will explore how environmental rhetoric is being leveraged to justify mass displacement, cultural and religious destruction, and human rights violations while highlighting how Azerbaijan is using the opportunity to mask its atrocities in Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh).
The webinar will include an overview of the geopolitical conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, focusing on the recent exodus of Armenians from the region. Experts will unpack how Azerbaijan is using the language of environmentalism—such as reforestation, renewable energy, and “eco-friendly” development—to mask the destruction of Armenian cultural heritage, the erasure of religious sites, and the displacement of indigenous populations. The webinar will also cover the international response to Azerbaijan’s greenwashing. Speakers will discuss how the international community’s focus on climate and energy collaborations with Azerbaijan risks overlooking the ongoing human rights abuses in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Ensuring Peace and Justice: Ending Extrajudicial Killings from AntI-Apostasy and Blasphemy Laws
This event aims to gather together advocates, activists and first hand witnesses to extrajudicial violence as a result of apostasy and blasphemy charges. We hope this event will help bring attention to these egregious violations of human rights and urge states to be proactive in preventing future extrajudicial killings driven by intolerance against individuals for exercising their freedom of conscience, religion and belief.
The side-event will recommend concrete actions states can take today to prevent and protect individuals at risk of unlawful killings based on anti-apostasy and anti-blasphemy laws and how UN member states can help combat the culture of impunity surrounding these unlawful killings. It builds on the goal of the global coalition of over 90 individuals and organisations of diverse beliefs and backgrounds calling for the repeal of the death penalty for apostasy and blasphemy.
To elevate awareness around the challenges in holding perpetrators of unlawful killings for alleged religious offence and expression accountable in environments which condone the death penalty for apostasy and blasphemy; and provide recommendations from experts and survivors on how to tackle them.
To inspire and equip policymakers to implement the Minnesota Protocol in investigating unlawful killings of individuals accused of apostasy or blasphemy
To raise awareness about the chilling effect that impunity for unlawful killings has on the right to freedom of expression.

Rethinking Religion and Nationalism in the Global Landscape
The Rumi Forum’s Center for Faith, Identity, and Globalization (CFIG) cordially invites you to our inaugural panel, Rethinking Religion and Nationalism in the Global Landscape, on Monday, October 28, 2024. We are honored to host distinguished scholars Mark Juergensmeyer from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and Paul Marshall from Baylor University, who will discuss their latest research and perspectives on this complex and timely topic.
Mark Juergensmeyer will present his paper, Faith and Identity in the Global Era, which delves into the unsettling emergence of new forms of tribalism often built around ethnic and religious identities. He argues that religious othering is grounded in negative stereotypes and the systematic buildup of an imagined divide between one’s own faith and other creeds. Juergensmeyer sees this phenomenon as one of the most disturbing features of the global age, highlighting the urgent need for reevaluating faith-based identities.
Paul Marshall will offer insights from his recent publication, Myths of Religious Nationalism. Marshall's work addresses the increasingly blurred lines between religious nationalism and religion-infused politics, particularly in the United States. He contends that terms like "religious nationalism" have become politicized and diluted, losing their substantive meaning. His analysis aims to clarify what religious nationalism truly entails and distinguish it from the broader phenomenon of religion-influenced politics, which has critical implications for both global and domestic arenas.
The panel will be an enriching dialogue between two prominent voices, providing clarity on a topic that is reshaping our global landscape. We hope you can join us for what promises to be an engaging and thought-provoking discussion.
Discussion Papers:
Faith and Identity in the Global Era by Mark Juergensmeyer
Myths of Religious Nationalism by Paul Marshall
Program Outline:
4:00 pm - Doors open
4:30 pm - Panel Discussion
Welcoming: Mehmet Saracoglu
Opening & Introducing the Panelists: Allison K. Ralph
Mark and Paul`s Remarks (20 min. for each)
5:30 pm - Q&A
6:00 pm - End of the program

Religious Freedom in Latin America
On October 16, the International Institute for Religious Freedom (IIRF) will host its fourth webinar of the year, focusing on Religious Freedom in Latin America. Stay tuned for more details on how to register and participate in this crucial discussion.

Conversation Between ADF International and Algerian Pastor Youssef Ourahmane
Please join us for a special conversation between ADF International and Algerian Pastor Youssef Ourahmane. In 2023, Pastor Youssef was convicted and sentenced to 2 years imprisonment for his role as a church leader in Tizi Ouzou. He is currently appealing his case to the Supreme Court of Algeria with support from ADF International.
Pastor Youssef is one of the leading figures in the Èglise Protestante d’Algérie (EPA), the Evangelical Protestant group whose 43 churches have been forcibly closed by the Authorities since 2019, leaving only one with its church open today. Over the past five years, security police in Algeria have received orders from the Ministry of Interior to systematically shutter the EPA churches under the pretext of alleged building code violations.
Pastor Youssef is one of over 50 Christians to have been prosecuted since 2019 for vaguely defined offenses such as “shaking the faith” of Muslims and illegal worship. The prosecutions are thought to be motivated by the government’s concern over the large numbers of local Christian converts in the country. We are honored that Pastor Youssef will be speaking in-depth about his ordeal at this event and sharing his personal experience as a church leader in one of the most difficult countries in the world for Christians.
Light refreshments will be provided. Please register no later than October 11th. Registration is required to attend the event. Spots are limited.

CIvil Society Program: Live From Berlin
You’re invited to join us in Berlin, Germany for a special 2-day conference, convening civil society and government to dig into how freedom of religion or belief (FoRB) can help prevent the misuse of religion, and build social cohesion and resilience.
October 8 - Academic Session & Hybrid IRF Roundtable
October 9 - Day-long Civil Society Program

Emergency Uganda Briefing
The Africa Working Group invites you to an important virtual briefing where we will be discussing the proposed National Religious and Faith Organizations (RFOs) Policy 2023 in Uganda and the potential impact on religious freedom and constitutional rights. The webinar will provide an overview of the concerns raised by the IRF Community and Africa Working Group and discuss the letter that was circulated to the President of Uganda. It’s a vital opportunity to engage in the discussion and explore ways we can collectively influence this policy.

Faith & Freedom Summit IV
The Faith & Freedom Summit is an initiative that gathers high-level thought-leaders to highlight the importance of freedom of religion or belief, to assess areas that need to be improved as regards of its protection worldwide, and to develop a force of proposal to outline policies toward a greater respect of religious diversity.
CONTACTO: info[a]faithandfreedomsummit.com

IDC Capitol Hill Advocacy Day & 10th Anniversary Celebration
With great excitement, IDC invites you to join us for a two-day event in Washington, DC on September 18-19, 2024!
This year, IDC's annual Capitol Hill Advocacy Day coincides with IDC's 10th anniversary! To mark this important milestone, IDC invites you to join us at the 2024 Capitol Hill Advocacy Day and the 10th Anniversary Celebration and Reception.
September 18: IDC's 2024 Capitol Hill Advocacy Day. Participating advocates will have the opportunity to attend congressional meetings, and serve as a voice for persecuted Christians on Capitol Hill. An advocacy training session and mission briefing will take place in the morning, prior to congressional meetings.
September 19: IDC’s 10th Anniversary Celebration & Reception. IDC leadership, staff and network of friends will gather to commemorate a decade of advocacy for persecuted Christians.
This two-day event promises to be a memorable opportunity for advocacy, fellowship, and reflection.
More information (including a detailed itinerary) will be made available in the coming weeks.

Hybrid IRF Roundtable with U.S. Government (On Capitol Hill)
You are invited to join us for the next Hybrid IRF Roundtable with U.S. Government on Tuesday, September 17 from 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM on Capitol Hill. Special guest speakers will be announced in the coming weeks!
Thinking about submitting an agenda item?
We encourage all roundtable participants to consider submitting an agenda item. Your voice and contribution is valuable. Agenda items to consider:
REPORT on conditions of religious persecution globally
SHARE IRF-related resources (reports, case studies, programs)
INVITE multi-faith action (multi-faith letter, upcoming event, working groups)
Due to time limitations, we will not be able to accommodate all requests. We apologize in advance for this, but will confirm agenda items by September 12.

Faith & Forced Displacement Congressional Reception
INTRODUCTION (5:30-5:35 pm), Matthew Reynolds, UNHCR Representative
MEMBERS OF CONGRESS (5:35 pm – 5:45 pm)
Chairman Benjamin Cardin (D-MD)
Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT)
BRIEF REMARKS (5:45 pm – 6:05 pm)
Bill Canny, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
Christine Tobias-Nahi, Islamic Relief USA
Rabbi Sarah Bassin, HIAS
Mark Smith, World Vision
CONCLUDING REMARKS (6:05 – 6:10 pm), Suzanne Ehlers, USA for UNHCR CEO/President

The Abraham Women Alliance Zoom Panels are a call to action to support the lofty principles of equality, peacebuilding and empowerment in the daily fabric of our lives. Religious-based violence and anti-semitism have no place in our homes, families and societies.
Please join us for a candid conversation about the critical role that women play in the inter-faith and peacebuilding process among the Abrahamic faiths. Women in the Middle East must take the mantle of leadership for peacebuilding in the Middle East.
Build trust and relationships
Explore challenges and opportunities
Share practical tools & resource
Identify inter-faith & gender equality champions
Foster religious harmony in the MENA region

Navigating Challenges and Opportunities for religious Freedom in Pakistan
Please join the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) for a virtual hearing on religious freedom conditions in Pakistan and policy options for the U.S. government.
In 2024, religious freedom conditions in Pakistan continue to decline. Religious minorities are frequently subjected to lengthy prison sentences or solitary confinement under the country’s draconian blasphemy law. Increasing instances of blasphemy accusations have contributed to waves of mob violence that disproportionately impact religious minority communities, resulting in lynchings and damaged places of worship. Members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community continue to face harassment and arbitrary arrest, and Hindu, Christian, and Sikh women and girls remain particularly vulnerable to kidnappings and forced conversion.
In its 2024 Annual Report, USCIRF recommended that the State Department again designate Pakistan as a Country of Particular Concern for its systematic, ongoing, and egregious religious freedom violations. Witnesses will discuss the Pakistani government’s legal framework, including blasphemy and anti-Ahmadiyya laws, and laws pertaining to forced conversion. They will also examine the U.S.-Pakistan bilateral relationship and discuss opportunities for U.S. engagement and current programming efforts to advance religious freedom.
Opening Remarks
Stephen Schneck, Chair, USCIRF
Eric Ueland, Vice Chair, USCIRF
Asif Mahmood, Commissioner, USCIRF
Panel I
Änjali Kaur, Deputy Assistant Administrator, Asia Bureau, USAID
Panel II
Peter Jacob, Director, Centre for Social Justice
Asif Aqeel, Founding Director, Center for Law & Justice
Amjad Mahmood Khan, Adjunct Professor, UCLA School of Law; National Secretary for Public Affairs, Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA
*Additional witnesses may be added
This hearing is open to Members of Congress, congressional staff, the public, and the media. The video recording of the hearing will be posted on the Commission website. For any additional questions or to schedule an interview, please email media@uscirf.gov.

Prisoners of Conscience: Violence and Detention & Violence in Detention
The International Religious Freedom of Belief Alliance (IRFBA) invites you to a webinar marking the International Day Commemorating Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief. The IRFBA focuses on prisoners of conscience and the fate that they have been facing globally. Among the speakers are former prisoners of conscience and also family members of those still imprisoned. They are to shine the light on what it means to be a prisoner of conscience and how they could be helped.
Speakers include:
Amb. Robert Rehak - Special Envoy for Holocaust Issues, Interfaith Dialogue and Freedom of Religion or Belief (Czech Republic), IRFBA Chair
Cezar Pavalascu - Director, State Secretariat for Religious Affairs (Romania), Chair of the IRFBA Working Group on Atrocity Prevention
Paweł Radomski - Foreign Minister's Special Envoy for Freedom of Religion (Poland)
Rushan Abbas - Uyghur advocate, sister of Dr. Gulshan Abbas, prisoner of conscience in China
Wade Kusack - Love Your Neighbor Community (LYNC), Founder and President
Amelda Ismael Khudeeda - Yazda, Documentation Team
Bianca Jagger - human rights defender working with former prisoners of conscience from Nicaragua
Bani Dugan - Principal Representative, Bahá'í International Community's UN Office

Abrahamic Panel
Hosted by Empower Women Media & Global Christian Relief
After the October 7 attacks, we must stand together and build a strategic, multi-faith network to support peace and the Abraham Accords. Please join us for a candid conversation between Arabs and Jews about their insights since the outbreak of the Hamas- Israel war. The event will include a special screening of the short film, Halfway, which won the Empower Women Media "Global Peace Award”.
Light appetizers & drinks will be served.

Submit Event
Thanks for helping us keep our calendar updated with events that the IRF movement would benefit participating in!