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Persecution & Peace: Why Global Religious Freedom Matters for ALL

  • Bayshore Baptist Church 3111 West Morrison Avenue Tampa, FL, 33629 United States (map)

Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (adopted by the global community in 1948) states: Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Current global affairs, and historical observation, demonstrate what happens when this basic human right is transgressed. People suffer, and societies decline. When this right is affirmed, societies flourish and economies grow. 

The purpose of this symposium, oriented to faith-full lay people, is to provide helpful information about what religious freedom means – both intellectually and ethically. We will learn about places where persecution is occurring. In a few cases, we will hear directly from those who have experienced this oppression. We will discuss the successful efforts to help governments and societies change course. 

Finally, we will discover how to take this knowledge and participate in efforts to enact greater freedom for our neighbors. The concept of neighbor isn’t geographic – it’s moral. And we all have a role to play.

Featured Sessions

A Christian Defense of Religious Freedom for All

Explore the biblical and theological foundations for religious freedom, emphasizing why it should be a priority for Christians.

Global Challenges to Religious Freedom

Explore some of the key trends in and main drivers behind religious persecution. We will also examine some global hotspots.

Panel Discussion: Victims/Survivors of Religious Persecution

Hear testimonials from people from various religious communities who have directly experienced religious persecution/oppression. 

Ending Persecution

Explore the role of the American church in helping to end persecution.

Call to Action: “Defending Freedom Through Faith”

Discover how to take what has been learned and put it into action. Commit to advocating for religious freedom, with practical steps for individuals, churches, and communities.
Small groups will brainstorm ideas on how to raise awareness, engage local leaders, and mobilize their church to defend religious liberty.

December 20

Briefing on Syria: The Path Forward

February 3

IRF Roundtable with U.S. Government on Capitol Hill