Letter in Support of Senator Rubio’s Commitment to Prisoners of Conscience Advocacy

Letter in Support of Senator Rubio’s Commitment to Prisoners of Conscience Advocacy

The IRF Community and Prisoners of Conscience Working Group circulated a letter, addressed to Senator Rubio, congratulating him on his nomination as Secretary of State and commends his longstanding advocacy for religious freedom and prisoners of conscience during his Senate tenure. It highlights his efforts, such as the #ExpressionNotOppression campaign, which have contributed to the release of unjustly imprisoned individuals worldwide. The letter urges him, if confirmed, to prioritize the plight of religious prisoners of conscience, using his leadership and available tools to advocate for their freedom. Specific cases, such as Yahaya Sharif-Aminu in Nigeria and Christian converts in Egypt, are cited as examples of ongoing persecution. The letter concludes by expressing confidence in Rubio’s commitment to making religious freedom a foreign policy priority and offering continued support in this shared mission.

Informative Sources:


Letter in Support of Senator Rubio's Leadership in Advancing International Religious Freedom