International Religious Freedom
The IRF Roundtable convenes weekly and is an informal space where NGOs, individuals, and government officials from all faiths and beliefs gather, share information and stories of religious persecution, and take multi-faith actions to advocate for and build religious freedom for all.
Our approach
The IRF Roundtable Model has proven it is possible for people of all faiths and beliefs to engage each other across their deepest differences and take action together, as equal citizens. The practical results: mutual respect, trust, and reliance between faith and belief communities, and between these communities and governments, building peace and prosperity.
Weekly Roundtables
Civil Society
1st Tuesday
Working Groups
2nd Tuesday
Global Network
3rd Tuesday
U.S. Government
4th Tuesday
Our Advocacy
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights declares in Article 18, “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.”
Press & Media

Greg Mitchell
Nadine Maenza
Working Groups
The International Religious Freedom Roundtable invites constituents to consider joining one or more of the Working Groups, which can focus on a country, region, or specific issue.
Upcoming IRF Events
Check out events hosted by participating IRF Roundtable organizations.
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