JUne 2024

Letter IN Support of USCIRF’s CPC Recommendation for Azerbaijan

Letter in Support of USCIRF’s CPC Recommendation for Azerbaijan

The IRF Community and the Armenia Working Group are circulating a letter addressing the alarming human rights violations against ethnic Christian Armenians in Nagorno Karabakh by Azerbaijan. It supports USCIRF's recommendation to designate Azerbaijan as a Country of Particular Concern (CPC) due to severe violations of religious freedom and other egregious actions against Armenian Christians. The displacement and destruction of religious sites of ethnic Armenians are highlighted as violations of fundamental rights. It calls for the designation of Azerbaijan as a CPC, diplomatic engagement, targeted sanctions, humanitarian assistance, monitoring mechanisms, and advocacy in international forums to address the crisis. The signatories emphasize the importance of promoting religious freedom and human rights for all individuals and urge decisive action in support of persecuted faith groups.

Informative Sources:

U.S. State Department’s response



Letter in Support of State Department's IRF Office Scheduling a Visit to Nigeria & Algeria


Letter in Support of The Reauthorization of USCIRF