JUNE 2024

Letter in Support of Standing Against the Attacks on Indigenous Copts in Egypt 

Letter in Support of Standing against the attacks on indigenous copts in Egypt

The IRF Community and Coptic Solidarity circulated a letter addressed to Special Rapporteur Dr. Nazila Ghanea, highlighting a distressing incident of violence against indigenous Copts in Al-Fawakhir village, Minya Province, Egypt. On April 23, several homes were burned down, and residents were trapped amidst an attack by extremists. Despite prior warning to authorities, security forces intervened only after several hours, underscoring the vulnerability of religious minorities in Egypt. The attack, triggered by rumors surrounding the construction of a church, echoes a disturbing trend of sectarian violence against Copts. The letter calls for accountability, urging impartial investigations, fair trials, and concrete steps to protect the religious freedom of all citizens. Recommendations include submitting a communication to the Egyptian government, ensuring compensation for victims, guaranteeing the right to worship without fear, and drawing international attention to the escalating violence against Copts. Additionally, it requests a country visit to Egypt to assess the situation firsthand.

Informative Sources:


Letter in Support of The Protection of Thien Am Zen Monastery in Vietnam


Letter in Support of The Reauthorization of the Lautenberg Amendment