APRIL 2024

Letter IN Support of State department’s iRF Office Scheduling a Visit to NigeriA & Algeria

Letter in Support of STate Department’s IRF Office Scheduling A visit to nigeriA & Algeria

The IRF Community and Africa Working Group is circulating a letter asking the State Department's IRF Office to reschedule their visit to Nigeria and Algeria. Considering the imperative time of violence against religious minorities, Ambassador Rashad Hussain and the IRF office must hear the voices of those being threatened with persecution daily in these countries. 

These visits not only help inform the U.S. Government of the tragedies and highlight the stories of the voiceless but also increase a sense of accountability for these governments to uphold the rights of all people.

Informative Sources:


Letter in Support of Assyrian Christians at the Brink of Extinction


Letter in Support of USCIRF's CPC Recommendation for Azerbaijan