April 2024

Letter IN Support of Senate Resolution 569

Letter in Support Senate Resolution 569

The IRF Roundtable, with the help of ADF International, circulated a letter to Majority Leader Schumer, Minority Leader McConnell, Chairman Cardin, and Ranking Member Risch to express our support for S. Res. 569, recognizing religious freedom as a fundamental right, expressing support for international religious freedom as a cornerstone of United States foreign policy, and expressing concern over increased threats to and attacks on religious freedom around the world.

S. Res. 569 paints an accurate and disturbing portrayal of the religious freedom situation in too many countries. Because of that situation, the resolution’s policy recommendations are vital: promoting religious freedom as an “utmost priority” in U.S. foreign policy, holding violators accountable using all available diplomatic and sanctions tools, working with global partners, and expanding support for leaders and activists working to protect religious freedom worldwide. These recommendations, if followed, would continue and extend the U.S. 's leading role in promoting international religious freedom, expand the coalition of partners so that better outcomes can be achieved, and create a greater space for religious freedom to thrive and grow on the ground where severe violations are currently happening. We view these recommendations as absolutely essential for the protection and promotion of religious freedom worldwide.

Informative Sources:


Letter in Support of The Reauthorization of USCIRF


Letter in Support of Protecting Religious Freedom for Orthodox Christians in Ethiopia