February 2024

Letter IN Support of the Reauthorization of the Lautenberg Amendment

Letter in Support of the Reauthorization of the Lautenberg amendment

The IRF Community is circulating a letter asking the U.S. Senate to ensure that the “Lautenberg Amendment” is included in the final FY2024 State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs (SFOPs) appropriations bill. The Lautenberg Amendment, first passed in 1989, has provided an essential pathway for thousands of historically persecuted religious minorities from former Soviet Union (FSU) countries and Iran, including Ukraine, to reunite with their loved ones here in the United States.

The Lautenberg amendment has been reauthorized every year during the appropriations process since its first introduction decades ago, and we hope that this year proves to be no different. We were pleased to see that the necessary reauthorizing language was included in the Senate’s FY2024 bill, and now look to make sure that conference committee members ensure that it is included in the final appropriations package.


I have wonderful news! The Lautenberg extension language was included in the final SFOPs bill!!

This was a hard-fought victory, and I cannot thank all of you enough for how much help you provided in these final weeks. I have no doubt that your combined efforts helped us to get this across the finish line. Everyone here at HIAS is beyond grateful for your help and support.
— Naomi Steinberg, VP of Policy & Advocacy at HIAS

Mark Hetfield, HIAS President & CEO

“The Lautenberg Amendment continues to play a very important role in advancing America’s commitment to supporting freedom of religion, especially during a time when, particularly in Iran, it is coming under increasing pressure.”

We want to take this opportunity to thank all of our multi-faith partners who provided support during the hard-fought advocacy push to get Lautenberg across the finish line.”


Letter in Support of Standing Against Attacks on Copts in Egypt


Letter to Call For Congressional Hearing Regarding State Department's Exclusion on CPC List