January 2024

Letter of Submission to South African Ad Hoc Committee on General Intelligence Law Amendments bill

Letter of Submission to South African Ad hoc Committee on General INtelligence Law Amendments Bill

The IRF Roundtable’s Africa Working Group sent this letter to address the Ad Hoc Committee on General Intelligence Law Amendments Bill, expressing concerns about the proposed General Intelligence Law Amendments Bill (GILAB) in South Africa. Signed by individuals and organizations advocating for human rights and religious freedom, the letter highlights problematic provisions within the bill. Specifically, it questions the targeting of new institutions, lack of clarity regarding definitions, vague nomenclature, and absence of civilian oversight. The timing of the bill's introduction before the 2024 elections also raises suspicions about potential post-election silencing of dissent. The letter concludes by stating that without additional amendments, the signatories cannot support the bill in its current form and urges the committee to consider their concerns.


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